Glossary of Terms
Term | Definition |
Collateral Token | The token that a Position contract supplies as collateral to Aave when increasing the size of the position. C_TOKEN |
Debt Token | The token that the Position contract borrows from Aave. This is also known as the "short token". D_TOKEN |
Base Token | The token that the Position contract swaps D_TOKEN for through Uniswap. This is also known as the "long token". After this token is obtained from Uniswap, the Position contract automatically supplies it to Aave as collateral to improve its health factor. B_TOKEN |
aToken | The token that represents the value of the collateral + interest for a particular token supplied to Aave as collateral. This token is given to the Position contract when collateral is supplied. Refer to Aave's docs (opens in a new tab) for more info. |
Variable Debt Token | The token that represents the value of the debt + interest for a particular token borrowed from Aave. This token is given to the Position contract when D_TOKEN is borrowed. Refer to Aave's docs (opens in a new tab) for more info. |
Client | A frontend or any other type of interface, like a CLI. |
Client Operator | The account of the entity that runs a client to facilitate usage of the Pesto protocol. Fees earned by this operator's client are allocated to this account on the FeeCollector contract. |